When I first started this blog it was a place for me to write about my family which at the time was just me and my husband. Almost two years back I discovered we were expecting twins and I began to blog about my twin pregnancy and later on my twin young men. Being a blogger, when I discovered I was having twins the main thing I did was take to the web to discover other twin web journals and after some time numerous have turned out to be great companions. I thought I’d share a portion of my most loved twin online journals with you; they are for the most part unique yet similarly rousing to me. Jess blogs at Mummy of Boy Girl Twins, the clue is in the title! Jess is a Mum to 2 year old boy girl twins; her blog is such a fantastic read because it covers all sorts of things. I love her home and fashion posts just as much as I love her posts about her twins. She writes a lot about family life and I especially like her honesty about the good and the bad of twin parenting. There are some fantastic posts on her blog about IVF and her journey to becoming a parent. She is one stylish Mama who also happens to be a fantastic writer.
Kat of Beau Twins is one of the first twin Mummies I remember finding and chatting to on twitter, she is super friendly and approachable and I am so glad I found her little space of the internet. She has beautiful twin girls who she writes about with so much love but her blog also covers very important, honest topics about PND, well-being and current affairs. Her writing is always passionate and from the heart. Having twins has taught me that even if children are exposed to near enough the same experience, they will still develop at a different pace because the are individuals. Something else not to beat ourselves up about. Twin one walked a good few weeks before twin two, yet twin two has talked more clearly than her older sis for months now. Often we put too much pressure on ourselves about things that are actually beyond our control… (as much as we may like to think otherwise!) like what we could have done better to help reach developmental milestones quicker. What does it really matter anyway?
Mami 2 Five is one of the fabulous twin blogs I’ve come across more recently as Katie hosts the Multiple Madness linky each week. She has teenage twin girls and went on to have three more children and I love how her blog reflects all aspects of busy family life. She has a fantastic sense of humour, her posts always make me smile. Somehow still manages to do all sorts of crafty and cooking activities with her kids, they are such a happy family her blog is a joy to read.
Our beautiful, determined, cheerful, bold, stubborn, adorable twins turned two this month. Two years of our world being turned upside down in the very best way possible. Two years of juggling and multi-tasking even more than your average mum. Two years of watching our eldest develop into a caring, kind big brother. Two years of seeing our girls grow into loving, special, spirited individuals.